[bt-devel] Cleanup for KHTML and KDE/Qt Porting

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Mon Feb 16 12:01:54 MST 2009

Eeli Kaikkonen wrote:

> The static function adds new actions to the given actioncollection. 
> Those actions have a key string (like in your QMap), icons, tr():ed 
> strings and keyboard shortcuts. The old shortcut editor knew each window 
> type and got the actions from this static function. The real display 
> window actions are created in another function.

This was not completely correct. initActions() is the member function 
which calls static insertKeyboardActions(KActionCollection*). But some 
actions are created in both and are replaced, which is certainly not a 
mark of a good architecture in this case. It just makes the code hard to 
understand and long.

--Eeli Kaikkonen

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