[bt-devel] save search analysis - updated

Joachim Ansorg bt-devel@crosswire.org
Mon, 18 Feb 2002 12:53:55 +0100

Hi Mark!

> The issue is that the results aren't being displayed as they should.  I
> used the scope above (per your suggestion below), and did a search for
> "god" in the AKJV, ASV, ACV and a couple other modules.  The search
> analysis tab correctly displays the results for the Gen-Exo and John-Rev
> results, but doesn't show anything for Jos-Est.  I verified with a
> separate search that "god" should appear someplace in Jos-Est.  So,
> bottom line is:
> 	1. the save search analysis to disk works just like the search analysis
> tab. 2. there's a bug in both where if the scope has a range that's out of
> order, it won't be displayed.  this is only an issue when scope is used on
> a search, and the scope has multiple parts, and one of the parts is out of
> order.

> I figured it safe to check in the changes I made to display the search
> scope since that's working fine.  I'll look into what can potentially be
> done to resolve this out of order scope issue.  If there's any
> suggestions out there ...

As I was optimizing the search analysis some months ago I assumed that all 
found entries are in the right order - in the original order of the Bible.  
The last position of the analysis is cached in 
The list is used to make getting the count for a book faster - you don't have 
to start from the beginning over and over again.

Maybe sorting the search result or sorting the scope before start of search 
will help here? 

I'm glad you want to debug this. If you need more help please ask me.